Friday 11 May 2012

GDES2000: Final Student Working Prototype Websites 2012

Below are the links to the various final 'working prototype' websites created by students on the module.

Museums Website

Vitor Bernardo (disk didn't boot up on test machine, could not load on server)

“Moreover the whole idea of the major project for the module was motivating and appealing and although the teaks were not easy to perform, it was engaging and it was a great challenge to overcome… the module helps developing a combination of skills, which not only build abilities to work in industry, but also improves personal efficiency.”

 “I also feel that I’ve learned quite a bit in terms of what is possible when it comes to website design”

Louise Thomas

  • Richard Wilson (all uploaded on server but files seem corrupted)

Beeline Fest Website

“The module as a whole was a deep learning curve and one I greatly enjoyed, I loved the freedom to create what we wanted with the majority of the website..”

“I have also learned a lot about website design and the processes involved including mapping, which I would never have realised beforehand and page layout. I have gained a lot of understanding too about how people use websites… and will take this into my future design work.”

  • Peter Lee
    “Multimedia and Graphic Design on the web was the perfect module in terms of educational value, as well as in terms of challenging concepts. There was a lot of researching on this module, as well as an awful lot of inspiration.”
Irina Manoila

Matt Maynard
“Overall I feel that the module has extensively challenged my design and coding capability and has taught me how intensively Web Design can actually be along with both personal (what is possible) and client (what needs to be done) expectations when creating a website."

“I have learned a lot over the course of this module. Considering I had no idea how to make a website before starting this module, I now feel confident in designing, developing and building my own website from gound-up, which I consider to be a huge leap in my knowledge… The internet is a very important tool and I will use the skills I have learned through this module throughout the rest of my career.”

“Throughout the module Graphic Design and the Internet I have learned how to design and produce my own website to a specification and how to design for a ‘live’ client.”