Tuesday 31 January 2012

GDES2000: S2 Additional Client Questions Area

Please add your questions as comments to this post and we'll alert the clients once there are a couple of questions here. Please make sure that the tutors know too that you've posted a Q or we may not realise straight away..

Tuesday 24 January 2012

GDES2000: Student Working Websites: Jan 2012

Please click on one of the blue links below each picture to open up the individual test sites. 

Andy Stevenson Group

Spencer Yates
Sophie: Museum

Sam: Beeline

Rossouw: Beeline

Nik: Museum

Matt: Beeline

Alan H revised site

Jesse: Museum

Irina revised site

Heather: Beeline

Harriet: Beeline

Adam: Beeline

Peter: Beeline
Stephen: Museum

Simba: Beeline
Claire: Beeline

Andy Screen Group

[These sites should be 'live' in week 1 or 2 of semester 2]

Student Feedback
Comments made by students about this module in semester 01 on the feedback [pink] forms:

[We like]
"[I like] the great resources and communication between student & lecturer with e-mails and blogs."
"[I like] That there’s feedback available when needed."
"[I like] learning about the software and the lecturer’s teaching method."
"[I like] the simple step by step mini deadlines."
"[I like] the way we were introduced to Dreamweaver and how other software was used with it."
"[I liked] the website [critique] presentations."
"Really liked the talk from Getme.co.uk – very informative."
"The lecturer was very good at answering questions via e-mail and was flexible with tutorials to suit the student rather than the lecturer."
"I have really enjoyed the module and cannot think of any improvements."
"The lecturer’s enthusiasm really helped me to enjoy the topic."
"Numerous module tasks helped to keep me on track throughout the semester."
"[I liked] the real career experiences with [practitioners] coming in."
"[I liked] the vast amount you can learn from one lesson."
"The combination of tutorials and tasks were useful and appropriate."

[We would like to see improved] Further student comments:
"More group work suggested and maybe more research."
"More practise suggested rather than theory."
"More advice requested about how to receive a higher grade."