Monday 14 February 2011

Student Sites Ongoing, Early Feb 2011

I think it's fair to say that there's presently a range of sites presented here. Some are well underway as we would expect at this stage and some [as would be admitted by their authors] would agree that they need a revamp and more time spent on them to bring them up to the standard of many of their peers and of those produced at the same time last year [see past blog posts].

Having said that, there were examples of excellent practice here when we were looking in tutorials. Work that was of good standard with experimentation includes: David G, Arran N, Matt P, Dom G, Israt C, Will and Creative Ben.

[Click to see each site 'live']

David G
Click here to see site

Link to this site

Andy Matyas
Test Link

Claire Hatch
Test Link

Test Link

Laura Henn
Test Link

Test Site

Test Link

Matt P
Test Site

Ollie Cambridge
Test Link

Test Link

Test Link

Liz Boland
Test Page

Naomi Reed
Test Page

Sami Dore
Test Page 

Adam N
Test Page

Creative Ben
Test Page

Dan Matthews
Test Page

Daren Wood
Test Page

Julie Ebbut
Test Page

Lorren Dancer
Test Page

Nathan Poppleton
[Images used too large to load on to the server]

Yoanna Angelova
Test Page

Marcus Church
[No working webpages on the CD supplied]

Arran North

Click to view test


  1. Laura commenting on Andy Matyas site:

    - navigations very clear and consistent.
    - the background image is relevant to topic and works well.
    - the boxes your information is held in, keeps the page neat and organized.

    - could do with clear boxes to say where multimedia elements will be placed.
    - The navigation could do with some colour, the grey doesn't go with the colour theme on the pages.

  2. Iosif Matyas about Yoanna Angelova site:

    Good design of the index page. I like the bed and the whole reality feel to it.
    It can get improvements on the type of the nav menu and the background colour.

    Good work, keep up!

  3. Ollie Cambridge commenting on Vishnu

    the background relates to the audience well with bright colors and cartoon images. layout is simple and easy to use.

    could look at the *Story telling festival* font, could be a bit more readable.

  4. Maria commenting on Liz Boland

    I really like your use of colour and the typography looks very clean and neat.
    I would say however i wasn't aware what brief you had chosen from first glance, perhaps realate it more to children?
    Other than that its really good!

  5. Will commenting on Matt

    I've just lost everything I wrote when the page reset to I'll be concise. The H in Hurd Library looks good and works well with the marble texture. Te brush script not so much. Also you may need to make the site a bit larger in incorporate the upcoming content.

  6. Ida Pettersson about Sami Dore site:

    I like the idea very much, but have you thought bout the typeface you are going to use.
    I found some of the text a little bit hard to read, perhaps make it bigger or think about kerning?

    and have a thought of the layout as well, is there going to be a single row of buttons on the top, or could you do two rows? just a thought.

    But I do like the idea,
    keep up, it's going to look good!

  7. James commenting on Matthew Parker,

    The warm rich colour scheme works well, gives a vintage style to it.
    The swirls are a good touch on the 'H', gives character to the design, perhaps they could be incorporated in more than just the title?

    On the navigation bar i think it would work better if you could change the colour of the text to make it easier for the user to understand that its clickable.
    Perhaps you could introduce a few books to the design to go along with the library theme.

    Looks Promising!

  8. David commenting on Will's site
    Layout is clear and the rollover icons reinforce the identidy of the page. Visually, looks distinguished (as becoming of the library), with more playful elements (the rollovers).

    On your navigation row, you have 'The Hurd Library' which currently is inactive. Will this be the home link - looks like a link? Needs more content, but think it's coming together.

  9. Matt Parker commenting on David G's website-

    I'm very impressed by the structured layout and the hierarchy of information on your home page. Immediately my eye was drawn to the main menu below the banner and then drawn onto the further information.
    I also like the hints of colour in the menu (perhaps think about continuing the changing colours in the noticeboard).

    It would be great to see a bit more visual interest, I feel the whole thing is very formal and a little cold), perhaps experimenting with some creative detail would finish it to a high standard.

    Good work!

  10. Rhys commenting on vishnus site

    navigation is clear
    Love the colourful background images

    What could be improved

    My eye is drawn more to the background than the actual content on the page so maybe add more colour to the pages so that it will stand out more.

    Also you could maybe change the colour of the navigation text so that it is more legible maybe for children

  11. Vishnu Parmar Commenting on Will

    The site design is is good and relates well to the library. The images for the links at the top are good and makes it easy to navigate. I think u might want to create a lighter coloured background for the text may be a light grey?

  12. I am impressed with how individual each design is, they all have great potential! I found Creative Ben's particularly interesting and unique :)

    Not so sure on the first comment being 'constructive criticism' though, it certainly wasn't helpful for me.

    - Liz

  13. @ Liz...

    Just being honest, relaying what people have said to me, and people need to deal with it...

    Everyone needs to stop being so comforting.. 2nd year, almost 3rd years.. the work needs to start relating to the real world...

    When I started out, I had some brutal established mates who ridiculed everything I did... and they still do...

    & it was not meant to be constructive criticism, it was a nice way of saying some of the above sites look dismal, so dismal I reckon I could find an ICT student who could do better... i.e. go back to the drawing board... but I didn't want to say that, I wanted people to figure it out for themselves.

    Although, I will admit the course isn't in most peoples favour at the moment. Which means everyone needs to put a load of time in outside to bring themselves up to scratch - which is evident some are not.

    But with regard to your design specifically - I like it; not 100% keen on the green, but the typography on the buttons is effective, although the 'WELCOME' isn't working for me... definitely is the first thing I am drawn to, which could be your reasoning for its' domineering presence? The type reminds me of some club flyers I did not too long ago... I think to move forward with the design, you need to make it more 'booky', as at the moment I don't instantly understand what it is about. You could use the typography... and have the landing page comprising of...

    I would type out some more but I have a print deadline tomorrow which I can't miss :/...

    The above post was not written to make friends... an honest post, that people need to start echoing, if everyone wants to progress.

    (andy if you don't want to post this I don't mind... i'll send it to liz nonetheless)

  14. Thanks Arran,

    Your support/suggestions are no doubt welcome.. As you're aware though, some are still getting their head around basic principles. As you probably recall from your early days, it takes time - certainly [realistically] more than the 4 hours a week we see most folks. You're absolutely right in that individuals must take it upon themselves to keep testing and refining outside of the module time though - this is very much the expectation.

    Just try to be proactive wherever you're making comments - that's my recommendation. Try to bear in mind that some folks are at the very start of that learning curve [which you've probably spent years at refining] and that we're trying to fast-track folks along as much as we're able to within the time we have.. Guys who are then keen to progress the technology beyond yr 2 as well as their own techniques are then encouraged to do so in yr 3 on 'live' projects etc..

  15. It's not the technology that is the issue Andy - I'm getting my chums @ SO Marketing and TGB [Digital] to pop on by and provide feedback when they get a spare moment...

  16. "& it was not meant to be constructive criticism, it was a nice way of saying some of the above sites look dismal, so dismal I reckon I could find an ICT student who could do better... i.e. go back to the drawing board... but I didn't want to say that, I wanted people to figure it out for themselves."

    I strongly disagree with the above statement - it's very unprofessional. I agree in a sense that it's okay to suggest going back to the drawing board as an option for some people, but don't degrade people's time and effort put into the designs (for the ones that have done so). You can't generalise a large portion of peoples' designs as 'dismal', if you're going to be creative and constructive, give feedback to every individual design - otherwise it comes across as a pretentious generalisation. It's the way that we think collectively as design students that separates us from those of the more ICT mindsets, I don't think it's very nice of you to insult other creatives in such a way.

    On another note, some of these designs hold great potential. I'd be happy to give full feedback to whoever wants it for their design :)
    drop me a line at: if you want any help or recommendations.

  17. Ok people, lets have some calm then..

    The idea of this blog is to be supportive and proactive in comments so that individuals discussed can take things further on the back of these..

    If I find [as moderator] that there are less than supportive personal comments [although I don't mind a certain amount of 'debate'] then they'll get removed.

    What is true though [and I mention it most sessions] is that the basic principles we teach you in DW and Multimedia do need additional time spending on them to refine your abilities and to build up your own confidence with the technology.

    It's a simple equation really. If you don't invest time experimenting over and above then you won't progress as those that are willing to do so. Each module within GDES and CDME requires up to 4 hours of additional commits per session - be it weekly tasks or further experimentation etc so expecting individuals to experiment outside of the web/MM sessions is nothing out of the ordinary.

    So in summary, being proactive on here with suggestions and outlook is fine, and genuine debate is fine too.. Personal jibes and overt negativity aren't though - it's destructive and a waste of time and effort on everyone's part..

    So let's keep things proactive please..

  18. lol fair enough Dom, although the chaps/ladies who I asked to take a look at this blog (professionals) decided not to comment... I know who has a true hunger for design, and those are the people I put the time into helping... Fed up with this all now any who :)

  19. I think that we can assume that all who've bothered to interview/move to join the course have a 'hunger' for design.

    People learn at different rates - it's a fact, for some it takes a while for ideas to percolate through and others it's an easier fit.. Because of your existing experiences with web Arran [gathered over a number of years I understand] we've allowed you to break out from the brief a little so that you continue to push yourself. As for others, to many this area is brand new and considering they have had just 4 hours a week they will no doubt have a working static website and multimedia at the end of it - one of which will be chosen by both clients. If they then choose, they can expand their knowledge further in this area in the final year in self-driven further studies such as extension modules or negociated studies allied to other live projects.

    Looking at the range of work ongoing in the tues am web group [I'm sure that the thu eve group are similar from what Andy says] I see a really interesting range of work ongoing. Additionally I do see examples of excellent practice too and innovative developments including yourself, Will, David, Creative Ben and Dom etc. Wheras these people have certainly progressed, there are others who have developed from scratch this year who have progressed as far if not further in their own way.
