Friday 4 December 2009

Gdes2000 Photoshop Mocks - Bockleton - Leon Li

Leon Li

Homepage [waiting for inner]


  1. A simple design Leon but it may well benefit from this treatment.. You also need the Bham logo on it and the Bockleton logo as requested in the brief. Clear main and secondary navigation though - good. Like the use of imagery on the buttons but I wonder if this site poss needs more information on the homepage + hence that the buttons should be smaller to allow for some other basic content here..
    Task asked you to create both a homepage and inner page example - I've only got a homepage mockup from you though + still need the inner page example.

  2. Leon, I think you've got a good start here, I know what you are trying to achieve after seeing some of the websites you mentioned in the lecture the other week. I think possibly with this homepage could benifit from, as Andy mentioned, a few bits more of info. Maybe something running from left to right behind the title as well, just to detract from the large amount of negative space.

    Experiment with some other colours maybe on the images boarders, you've got a nice clean bright design and the black is maybe a little too high contrasting. Hit it up with some grey, grey always goes down well on the web :-)
