Friday, 4 December 2009

Gdes2000 - Photoshop Mocks - Storytelling - Chris

Chris Bannister

Home Page

Inner Page Sample


  1. Chris - not sure that these capture the 'theme' of this year's festival terribly well. Bright, clear, youthful etc needed as well as the annual theme - the grey is quite offputting really. Like your basic experiments with type - think more needs to be done though to help your client understand how this might all work.. No footer included either..

  2. Adding imagery [even demo or just positionals] would really help put across a bit more a of a 'feel' here Chris.

  3. Titles almost unreadable due to block font and little contrast, doesnt say childrens story telling festival, agree with Andy, would like to have seen some images as this would probably have softened the whole page a good deal. :)
